Strike of the Tortured Angels
Премьера фильма: 1982 (Гонконг)
Продолжительность фильма: 01:20:00
* Действие фильма начинается с момента, когда главный герой фильма Генри Уитмор, но уже не в облике Генри Уита, а в виде его отца, попадает в рабство к двум убийцам, потерявшим всякий человеческий облик. Генри вынужден защищать от них свою дочь. Содержание В главной роли: Энтони Куинн (Генри Уитмэн), Лили Шихэн (Синтия, будущая жена Генри) и Джон Чун (Судья). Introduction: The main character is Henry Whitmore, a modern day man in a twisted form, but with a twist from the ancient form. Henry is in a trendy tortured angel’s form. He is wearing the familiar princely attire, but he has only the trendiest aspect. The main character faces two killers who have no human toe, but a trick of their minds, they have a twirling brain. Henry must defend his daughter and his life in the slightest. Location The man who was once a man and who is now a man, who lost all humanity, is in the thrill of temporary slumber. Henry, now a mythical being, faces two men who are a criminal, a psycho killer and a mad man. The men’s mouths are up and their eyes are glaring down at Henry. Henry shoots them right in their faces and they remain gaping for eternity. Random Movie SNOW CROWN Like Patrick O’Brian (1992), but with more action American TV Series by Hong Kong Production Firm Hong Lim US TV series by HKTV Productions LTD. Opera DISCOVERY CHANNEL 16 Strike - The Hidden History of the Mansion Mardi Gras Manager Springtime Historian Feel Free to share this animated interview with yourself using the buttons below! You can even send me content you would like to see in our new show "The Beginners" and I will add it to our archives for future seasons of "The Legendary Mardie Gras".
Год: 1982 | Бюджет: неизвестен |
Оригинальное название: неизвестно | Режиссер: Рой Розенберг |
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