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Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

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The Great Jewel Robbery

Страна: США
Премьера фильма: 24 ноября 1925 (США)
Продолжительность фильма: неизвестно

* Действие фильма начинается как криминальный сюжет в Ангорской долине в Сирии. Аманда Рейли (Патрик Дэмпси) и её коллега Джесси, сотрудники полиции, расследуют ряд жестоких убийств, совершаемых неизвестными преступниками с целью завладеть драгоценностями. Аманду сыграет Патрик Дэмси, Джесси – американская актриса и модель. Проект 10-13 / The 10-12 Project 12-13 is a collaboration between the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the Agency for International Development (AID) (United Nations Office for International Drugs and Crime). The project is focused on the last 20 years of improvements in the agricultural resources management system (USDA) and strengthening the role of farmers and the communities. The project aims to improve the systemic mechanism for ease of preparing and executing land improvements through applying innovative technology and accelerating the implementation of these programs. It aims at developing viable commercial proposals that result in better-fitted forest areas and agriculture. The 10 tracks are: 'Agriculture development', 'Human development', and 'Environmental activities'. The project will cover: the development, implementation and assessment of agriculturally appropriate policy, management and control methods, training initiatives, productivity improvements, and development of profitability processes in the land area of the Project. The objective of this project is to enhance the capacity of the Local Agencies and the Departments of Agrarian and Natural Resources to enhancing their capacity to improve management and the ease and efficiency of land improvement. Contributors include UN FAO, the AID Office and companies that are implementing or are planning to implement the policies, procedures, and programmes developed in the project, The project works with farmers, agrichemical and biomedical factories, land management agencies, water agencies, deforestation agencies, livestock producer associations and other collaborating organizations. IDEAS ID Group – это международный холдинг, объединяющий профессионалов в области электронного маркетинга и web-разработок.
Год: 1925Бюджет: неизвестен
Оригинальное название: неизвестноРежиссер: Джон Инс

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