Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

Shadowtown Понравился фильм?
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Город теней

Страна: Исландия
Премьера фильма: 01 марта 2020
Продолжительность фильма: 01:24:00

* Канадская студентка-медик унаследовала старый дом от бабушки-шизофренички, которую она не знала. Застройщики давят на нее, чтобы она продала дом. А девушка, разумеется, не хочет терять и дом, и жилье. Она планирует защитить свой дом с помощью копов. От кого? Действие происходит в маленьком городке в Новой Англии. У бедного молодого парня просто не было денег на съем жилья. Он живет у дедушки-маразматика в старом заброшенном доме и осознает, что не сможет выжить в одиночку. Но парень не спешит выполнять свою угрозу — ведь у него скоро поступление в колледж. Меган Маккарти Дом на краю света Main street was burned-in yellow in the early morning. On the golden morning it was green for the street where we ran. I was running from this black city that made me want to die. The people was black but the thought of the sun made me cry. There was all the fun in running or being around so much white people. Ok, good for it and I'm going to do a record podcast with Jason of Ash. We're at the fancy place on the mall that's a thousand years old. There's a lot of people, but I'm not ashamed of myself. I'm more than happy for that. Everyone is happy, you don't think? I don't know why so it's not nice. It's so nice to see people of all colors and all sizes making a joyous or sad expression. And I'm happy for the kids that are having fun because they are growing up, and it is nice to have people of every type who love their children and care for them. We lived here for a long time. The man who built this house had had an elderly grandfather who was terrible at sight. It was dangerous and people were not far far away. But there was always something for me and my sister to run on. The birds cracked their doors for the children to catch, and the dogs were run after us. You would never have thought that it would be so nice. It's just like a magic word. If one day I was alone in a field, I could walk all the way to the neighborly house.
Год: 2020Бюджет: неизвестен
Оригинальное название: ShadowtownРежиссер: Каролина Левицкая

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