Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

Hoffmann Понравился фильм?
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Сказки Сэмюэла Гофмана

Страна: США
Премьера фильма: 01 января 1970
Продолжительность фильма: 02:00:00

* Нью-йоркский рекламный агент рассказывает истории о женщинах в его жизни, и о любви, которая вдохновила его на создание величайшей рекламной кампании века. Пол Хаггард Женщины в моей жизни. Пианистка в моих руках The Women in My Life. The Piano Player in My Hands © Paul Haggard, 2015 All rights reserved This edition published by arrangement with Wyndham Books, an imprint of Synopsis Publications, LLC PayPal per trademark Copyright © 2015 by Paul H. Haggan Haggan’s best-selling novels have won the National Book Critics Circle Award for nonfiction and the National Library of Medicine’s ’75 Best American Novel of All Time’ medal. His novels and short stories have been translated into twenty-three languages and published in twenty three countries. The director of the Brooklyn Academy of Music and Theatre, he has directed, directed, and worked on more than fifty television commercials, for nineteen film companies, as well as multiple TV shows, including original series. He is a brilliant speaker with many new and different voices. His ‘Techniques of Public Speaking’, an introduction to effectively communicating in any person, can be found on his website. Written and illustrated by PAUL HAGGAN With assistance from Dr. DOROTHY RAIN THE TWO GOOD WOMEN AND HEARING I come from a country where men do not want to be told what to do by women. The strange habit of men to watch television gives a false sense of security to women – but now it can be misused. It is not just women who are victimized by television. Far from the scenes of affairs and domestic violence, we are bombarded with weird episodes of television news, factory news, news of a man dying in the workplace, tales of fraudsters, adversaries, and the degradation of children. This is the sad truth of the world we live in.
Год: 2017Бюджет: неизвестен
Оригинальное название: HoffmannРежиссер: Марк Нода

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