Kapitan Jaylo: Batas sa batas
Премьера фильма: 1989 (Филиппины)
Продолжительность фильма: неизвестно
* Действие фильма начинается в жизни Tanja (Tanja Matthews), a 15-year-old high school student who is trying to care for her mother whom she loved. She is trapped in an orgy while fighting off fascist attackers, but eventually emerges out of it alive and well. She goes home to her family, where she has to find a way to make a living. While going for a job in her father's restaurant, Tanjian discovers she is unable to work because she is a female, but by her luck she is chosen in a talent show. Tanjyan discovers that fake friends, like Rakita (Lee Shirley), Lucky (Mia Shirin) and Griffin (Scott Atterborough), are all the same. She decides to help them because she knows how to dance and sings. They all show her the things she does, including that she has a "whore ring". She also sees how her deceased father's secrets have made a connection with her.
Год: 1989 | Бюджет: неизвестен |
Оригинальное название: неизвестно | Режиссер: неизвестен |
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