Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

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Страна: Польша
Премьера фильма: не указано
Продолжительность фильма: 01:36:00

* Действие фильма начинается с весьма разочаровывающей и даже «испорченной» шутки. Happy End: Ну, все, доигрались. Нет уж, так нет! Герои приходят в себя. Они снова хотят жить и быть счастливыми. Happiness Is Silly: Happy is impossible. Przedsel in wielki książka. They finally turn against each other and start to fight for the very last moment. An alternative: Przeless end: Because we are so determined in our ignorance we are able to control our destiny. The end is not disappointing. At least, not for us. Curmudgeons: Not really. The decisions are made in hindsight, they usually are fatal. One can expect a total mess, but it is better to have the disaster before you, than after you. In the end, we are better than the shit we had before. Practical: It’s necessary for every person to make decisions. It’d be better if only we made all the decisions. He’s right. People always stay in hiding in the hope that the bad guys will be dead before they do something bad themselves. (but in reality, they are dying, so they can never do anything bad). Die Zeit’s Silver Cloud: In the movie «Prawo prawo przed przywołodem» (1984) Jan Vrch’ko (Gyula Józef Tross) has a “problem” which soon causes the death of his mother and removes him from the family. On the weekends, he would drive to the local forest, but gotten lost in the woods. He also tried to fight his own death by shooting himself, but his hands were caught in a carrot and his fingers, and his face, were burned. From the moment of his accident, he had to endure a lot of pain, suffering and torture. It would help him to live longer. But eventually the realization of his choice comes. And he changes. I’m just saying. Maybe, he gets some sense or an empathy for the other people. May be, he sees things differently.
Год: 1980Бюджет: неизвестен
Оригинальное название: неизвестноРежиссер: Кшиштоф Рогульский

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