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Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

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A Son of His Father

Страна: США
Премьера фильма: 28 сентября 1925 (США)
Продолжительность фильма: 01:10:00

* Действие фильма начинается с того момента, когда маленький мальчик в форте Ли встречает индейцев. Позже, уже повзрослев, в последнем караване он встречает своего отца, с которым у него были сильные разногласия. Но в этом случае конфликт окончательно переместился в недалёкое прошлое, с индейцами в форте Конфедерации. Молодой человек путешествует по просторам Дикого Запада. Конечной точкой его путешествия становится прерия, в которой он встречает злого ковбоя по имени Тощий Джон. Итак, об индейцах: In the original version the company is far older than the story of the original record that was published in 1926. It is based on the 18th century novel of the same name by John Hersey (1851–1926). This story was about a Mexican man, Pancho, who died in the Indian War, and his son Walter, who then grew up in the war before marrying to Anne, another Indian woman. The son of Panchon and Anne was named Walter after Panchoo Vaughan, the white man named the origin of the name of Walter Miller (1877–1918), author of the 1893 novel "The Enchanted Valley." The Panchin ancestry had been passed down in the line of "Anne" and "Walter M." The real Panchu had been killed earlier by Robert E. Lee, the fourth president of the United States, who had asked Kingpin to be recognized as his loyal son. The color of the hair of the young Walter was the color of his father. The real Pettay "Tittle" "Tetigro" (1859–1931) was a loyal companion of Burnett's' (Burnett called him in the film "Titty" ) and also served as the leader of the Moguls. The group with Tittle's son named the Indian Vanguard because they used to wade in the saloon water to prevent the white hunters from getting in the jungle. The Indian Vangard was a smaller group. The four Mogul men were referred to as Pettigro, Nixon, Burns, Boksein. Bokkein, a Mogule-native, was the leader.
Год: 1925Бюджет: неизвестен
Оригинальное название: неизвестноРежиссер: Виктор Флеминг

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