Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

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Страна: Швеция
Премьера фильма: 13 марта 1922 (Финляндия)
Продолжительность фильма: неизвестно

* Действие фильма начинается с рассказа о стране, чья культурная идентичность не определена ни одним официальным документом. По всей стране — памятники и имена, причём ни в каком месте не существующие отдельно от народа и страны. Они суть и есть народ и страна одновременно. Немного перефразируя знаменитую теорию «генезиса наций», попробуем узнать, как в этом контексте выглядит финская история. Лучше всего на эту тему написала Карен Хасс, жившая в Финляндии с 2000 по 2007 год: «Finland is not a nation or people, but a series of cultural objects. The media, books, music, art, theatres, performance art, crafts, workshops, restaurants, and bars created a whole population of the people of Finland and the finlandic people, and the people around them. These objects are numerous: carpets, glasses, jewellery, cigarette butts, comics, shoe horns, uniforms, coffee kettles, pots, spoons, candles, and many more. Every culture has its own particular bar (Melven, Aleina, Järgi, Tuomio, Viru…). The owner of each of these bars actually has some part to contribute to that culture and it is the way they have turned out that contributes. They might do the same job as an art-symbol, or they might be a kind of miniature city. There are so many shops and restaurants in these bands that you don’t have to stay overnight to see them all. The Finnish government has taken no stance in the matter, nor is it being politicized and I guess nobody is setting a timetable for it. The New Year’s Eve celebration, and now the Patrullja residency, are both proof that the Finnis have the self-determination to choose their own path — and not impose it upon others. The Patrllja Residency means they are happy, and they choose to think of themselves as Finns, are Finn-speakers, and aren’t afraid to show it.
Год: 1921Бюджет: неизвестен
Оригинальное название: неизвестноРежиссер: Rune Carlsten

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