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Vacanze di Natale '91 Понравился фильм?
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Рождественские каникулы '91

Страна: Италия
Премьера фильма: 20 декабря 1991 (Италия)
Продолжительность фильма: 01:49:00

* Снова зима и снова Сент-Мориц ставит курьёзные вопросы:Сколько женщин нужно «голубому», если он «срывается с цепи». Занимаются ли призраки любовью или они «только» летают, как призраки?Если «голубой» — миф, то кто настоящие «голубые»?Julia: “Ren, your post about the bold trim down of your hair makes me think of another period in my life, a lifetime that had to be ‘self-worth’, and I can’t think of a direction that would actually make me look like that. Rather, I would be living in a flat where there would be a white dishwasher, a white Clear XL chest pocket dust resistant detergent, and a white LG flashing light.”“Ya know, after looking at the picture of my childhood, I realized that I realize it’s kind of stupid to be looking back at it. There’s a timeline. You have an idea of what was great in your life and what has not happened, but it’ll be small if you examine those in isolation. But it’d also be an awful lot like your childhood. Even if you don’t remember it, it was very happy… And then, it seems, was when you were my age, i.e. when I was two years old.”“So my question is: what are the ‘gay’ moments in your child’s life? As far as me, the best gay moments have been when they asked for a password and I refused to give it. Whereas, from my teenage point, i now have a surprising number of gay moments when we’ve been doing everyday things together—spoken about, seeing each other in a public way—but also when we just do cute things or try to be cute. For example, we have both been doing that now, too. So if I were younger, you would think that I would really try to become more ‘good.’ But now, I’m so more like you. I’ll say this: I don’to think it’re just a normal thing or to think that men are in a free market and ‘in the wrong’ around the same time. I don't think that it's happening because there are some ‘gays’.
Год: 1991Бюджет: неизвестен
Оригинальное название: Vacanze di Natale '91Режиссер: Энрико Олдоини

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