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TV's Best 2005

Страна: США
Премьера фильма: 11 декабря 2005 (США)
Продолжительность фильма: 01:00:00

* Действие фильма TVs Best 2005 начинается с исторической лекции в Музее Трагедии в Лос-Анджелесе в 1959 году. После этой лекции телевизионная компания In Theaters hired Liv Berkman to write a one-reel documentary about the American Civil War. Berkmann wrote a short one-hour movie about New York City in 1915, it was known as Barnett's Party. The documentary contained a lengthy interview with New York Police Commissioner Wilfred Barnet to attack filming rights and political correctness. When Barnet retired in 1976, the film was released on home video and even sold in realty shops. It became a cult classic. In the 1960s, TVs sought out the actors and crew of the famous movie “Greedy Kid” to replace the characters and later did a similar job, TV-9 wanted to do similar action movies, and Warner Bros. offered a good deal. TVs had to develop the characters from the farmers, and the captain wanted to use a real substitute: William "Billy" Brunson, who after the war in WWII was arrested on trumped up charges of distributing child pornography. Under the direction of Jean Aloe (TV’s director) and David O’Brien (Vice President of TV’s production business, which was run by Jeff Grubbs) TVs hired Oliver Marshall to direct a special episodic pilot called "Horses and Guns". The pilot was released in 1964 as "Hercules" and later a very successful TV series. In 1966, TV’ invited famed Hollywood actor Robert Young to play the lead role in the very first TV movie "Astounding Grayslake". He was the star of one of the most successful TV plays of all time, a racing drama called "The Landing". After the TV’ drama "Aquarius" in 1967, TV from the 1970s-1980s was about bizarre thefts and murders, but a lot of time was spent on martial arts. The 1985 TV series "Jinshu" was named one of TVs’ best TV dramas for its beautiful acting performances and a good visual story.
Год: 2005Бюджет: неизвестен
Оригинальное название: неизвестноРежиссер: неизвестен

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