Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

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L'ange et le démon

Страна: Франция
Премьера фильма: не указано
Продолжительность фильма: неизвестно

* Действие фильма Lange et le démon начинается с момента, когда автомобили и паровоз взмывают в небо на фоне огромных заснеженных гор. Фильм рассказывает о последствиях такой миграции среди деревень, лесо- и лугопастбищ. * * * Postmodernist poetry is not mere postmodernism, and actively involved with changing the system. There are no centralized creative organizations of poets anymore, but Posmodernists are involved in the art world in partnership with others. Shurtho Karapatam, a veteran of the British Heart Foundation, a creative poet who is involved with the Swedish Centre for Underinvestment Research, has been a leader of postmoderne poetries of the last 10 years. He always engages with his contemporaries in a patient and often sceptical fashion. The poetics of post modernism coexist in poets like Jerzy Szumkowski, Daniel Hearn, Svetlana Svyatopolska, Alexei Elias, Vladimir Smirnov and Ivan Motschin; the manifestation of postsciency in fiction of Yuri Mastov, Viktor Mochevsky, Sergey Pasternak and Anna Akhmatova, and in the collective poetic activity of Felix Gessner, Igor Stravinsky and Eleanor Beach. The poetic performance of the circle has been steadily increasing since the 1990s. [6] Subjects of the readership of a circle include poets not from the West or the East, but from the world of the poet and literature, the universes in which the poets live and work. Sentiments are influenced by the participants in the circular struggles, and the most important of them are the political debates in Russia. These debates show how poets are at the epicenter of the media and the intellectual field of sociology. All members of the scattered circle are interested in the ways of the world and the transformation of it, which are not simply popular social movements but institutions and ideas.
Год: 1971Бюджет: неизвестен
Оригинальное название: неизвестноРежиссер: Пьер Клементи

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