Давид Бек
Премьера фильма: 14 февраля 1944 (СССР)
Продолжительность фильма: 01:33:00
* В 1943 году, в годину тяжелых испытаний для нашей Родины на Ереванской киностудии был создан историко-биографический фильм «Давид-Бек» о героической борьбе армянского народа за свою свободу в годы революции. В фильме, созданном по постановлению ЦК КП Армении, повествуется о том, как жил и боролся за свободу и независимость Армении в 1917–1918 годах один из руководителей революционного движения на Кавказе Дадашев, ставший знаменем армянских патриотов против германских интервентов, против насильников, работорговцев и убийц — турецких мусаватистов, за армянский народ против иноземных захватчиков. In the genre of controversial documentary film, The Georgian Pistol (Movie)(English) - Aim for a Negative Black Out) - also called The Georgians in Battle (Mirror of the old Georgian Documentary Film) - was produced in 1998 at the film studio of Georgian, the geoMedia project. The film was directed by Mikhail Eneti, who also conceived the concept of one of the protagonists in the film, Dmitri Pushkov. This film depicts the tales of ex-KGB agent Dmitry Pushkoff who went to Budapest in order to contact a tolkz with the Soviet espionage "dead line". This film tells the story of Dmitrian Pushkin, the single most important hero of the G.A. - in present times. As a result of the film's popularity, numerous newspapers and media outlets in Georgia were interviewed by its director Mikheil Enetii, and it also appeared on Russian TV. In 2005, the film was translated into Armenian. In Georgia the movie screened on Erochnokultura.net since December 2007. A viewer of the movie would be able to see real features of the life of D.Pushkov and his associates. It was also screened in Russia on the international TV channel RMC, Echo of Moscow and other. The main characters of the Georgian film are fictional and not real historical figures. Actors of Georgians like Shari, Emmy, Ethan, Boris are using fictitious names and personalities.
Год: 1943 | Бюджет: неизвестен |
Оригинальное название: неизвестно | Режиссер: Амо Бек-Назаров |
В главных ролях |