Мы мечта: Дети на фестивале Мартина Лютера Кинга
Премьера фильма: 18 февраля 2020
Продолжительность фильма: 00:58:00
* Действие фильма начинается с аудиопамфлета "Цены, цены, цены". Этот документальный фильм посвящен культуре и истории празднования Дня Благодарения и роли его празднования в истории Соединенных Штатов, а также отношению к нему различных слоев американского общества. The movie We Dream: Children at the Festival of Martin Luther King, Jr. is a documentary about celebrations in celebration of the Little Feasts of the Latter-day Saint Church in United States. This film looks at celebrations of Little Feat in the Church and the celebrations that are an American tradition, and, according to Ricky Santoro, President of the National Center for the History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, “The emphasis is on the ritual. What it really does is present two conflicting narratives: one in which the child is encouraged to enter into the story of his or her father, and another in which we live in a country where we accept the act of children entering into a celebration, and yet celebrate there as a venue and from there, to present the story to the multitude of myriad, complex, cultural and historical forces that exist within our society and across the country. In this way we send a powerful message of love to a fragile and stunted community which it is our hope will become. American culture shows a great deal of preference for celebration and respect for the smallest form of a celebratory event. During the Little Festivals, even though there are disparate groups of children, for example, children of businesspeople, children from religious houses, children who live in industrial cities, we encourage children to enter the story we have called community. In this way it is a way of celebrating the future, the hope and the future of a population which has been subjected to loss and, therefore, who is stymied in seeking a community of love and respect and as a government we are demanding change.” "Цены. Только правда" - продолжение документального фильма о цене на продукты питания в США, созданного в 2013 году под названием «Цена еды» (The Food Cost).
Год: 2020 | Бюджет: неизвестен |
Оригинальное название: We Are the Dream: The Kids of the Oakland MLK Oratorical Fest | Режиссер: Эми Шатц |