Cowboy Preacher, The
Премьера фильма: 30 марта 1910
Продолжительность фильма: неизвестно
* Действие фильма начинается с рассказа девушки, которая едет в пустыню Невады погостить у своей сестры. В пустыню она отправляется на своей машине. В пути из-за песчаной бури она теряет управление, попадает в коварные песчаные ловушки, её нещадно бьет по машине, и она теряет сознание. Очнулась она спустя некоторое время и первое, что увидела – это главного героя, который сидит за рулем.В продолжении звучит песня «Death Valley High» ("Горные вершины").In 1971, Irvine Wasikowsky wrote a song about a rural town taking in a handful of deer. The song is named «Cowbomber», and was a part of the soundtrack for the Hollywood version of the film Dune.[229]The movie Deep Rural Farm (USA, 1972) depicts a rambunctious farmyard boy who goes to fight in Iraq. It’s an ensemble version of Orson Welles’ Dune.The Pretty Baby (US, 1973) is a movie about a town girl who strolls into town on a bus and experiences a muddy, bleak scene that has captured popular imagination. The movie went on to win an Academy Award and was nominated for seven others including Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Original Score.One Day in the Life (US/Canada, 1973), a film about a family living in an agricultural town in the deep mountains of northern Quebec. The film was directed by Joe Harrison, written by Peter van Vogt, and stars Brad Pitt, Al Pacino, Paul Young and Dennis Durant.Luisa Estenson filmed a commercial for Hill and Fane on a cast and crew of seven. Dressed in a blazer and tie, Lisa strolled into the office and asked for the “Sweetest Sounds in the Universe.” The ad went viral, and helped her raise $65,000 for the Ballet Next.The tale of Eldin and the horse Sweet Pumpkin (1979) was based on a Potter novel by J.K.