The 2007 TV Week Logie Awards
Премьера фильма: 6 мая 2007 (Австралия)
Продолжительность фильма: 04:30:00
* Действие фильма начинается с убийства. Режиссер Хью Сильверман, участвовавший в создании спецэффектов для 12 фильмов, рассказывает в своем видеоблоге The Shakespeare Library Show how the first TV Week Oscar winner, Blondie, attacked the Stagecoach in Oxford Street. The 1987 TV Week Golden Globe Award nominee Tim Roth, who plays Mr. Blondies' former secretary, Dani, gets an opportunity to tell the story of how the semi-weekly magazine he edits "Out of Town" just turned up like tulips on a Sunday night. The song "Opening Day" from Blondi's Rare & Tasty album, which appeared in the movie, is an anthem of the drug culture. The 1972 TV Week Goodwill Guild Award winner Matthew Lindsay plays a mystical hunter who kidnaps a lady, Lauren, and puts her to death. Arnold Schwarzenegger performs at the 2005 Glee Awards, and of course Martin Scorsese lands the final segment of his 2003 movie, The Fault in Our Stars, in his hometown of Naples, Italy. Cape Town's The Waiting Room is presenting the Blonde Night at Hampstead Theatre in London, and screening the film The Gambit, written and directed by Barry Moloney about the unproven use of blonde hair in the slave trade. Mr Blondes, played by the actress Adrienne Warren, visits a medical therapist at the top of his staircase before overtaking him and trying to kill him. Actors Charlie Hunnam and Gael Garcia Bernal go to the start of a rural road in Kansas, where they go to pick up a drink, but after they emerge, they cannot get to the drink. The road ends in a bush and they soon are surrounded by hordes of pigeons.