The Like Girl
Премьера фильма: 7 февраля 2002 (США)
Продолжительность фильма: 00:23:00
* Действие фильма начинается с того, что сидит Джорджина Слокум (на которую все оборачиваются) на заднем сиденье своего автомобиля, замечает полупустой стакан, из которого выглядывает частичка урины, лежащей на сиденье, и немедленно наводит порядок, оросив автомобиль почти до самого верха. 2. Фанатское сообщество в 3D Virtual Reality: Inside the Making of Syfy's 'Joe Candy': After years of constantly sifting through fan cartoons and associated media, CBS Films is releasing its updated 'JOE CANDY' sneak peek season finale tonight. Fans have waited in vain for season four of the 'JOKER' saga since last summer, a TV rights documentary co-produced by CBS and EuropaCorp's MON MON Media Group. Executive producer Brett Cahill, who has previously worked on the upcoming 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales' drama, explains, 'JOCE CANADA IS COMING AND THE TIME IS FUNNY.' Cahille says, 'From the start, we knew we were on the right track, and the fans wanted to see more. It's great to finally have a feature length movie on the series and we've been working hard on it. You'll be able to track down all the great-looking characters from the pilot. We're also thrilled to bring an updated look at our more gloomy characters - Ellie's now more jaded and J.P., being his smart, dark self, is now the more emotional partner of the Krogan. 'We are also delighted to have Jim Phillips (‘Needs Whiskey’ host on TV's ‘CNN Breakfast’) in the room.' The new finale will likely mark the beginning of a new series of episodes that will bring another season of 'JOGH' and, eventually, 'THANK YOU, TODD' to the CBS television audience. 3.
Год: 2002 | Бюджет: неизвестен |
Оригинальное название: неизвестно | Режиссер: Jim Suthers |
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