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Tim Robbins: The Punk Gets Responsible

Страна: США
Премьера фильма: 28 ноября 2006 (США)
Продолжительность фильма: неизвестно

* Действие фильма начинается в 2008 году, когда в Гамбурге мужчина по имени Джейкоб Блум перегоняет на своём фургоне Ferrari из Японии в США. На этой машине он врезается в столб и разбивает её. Человек, который продаёт автомобиль повреждённый на том месте парковки, где он разбился, сообщает Джейкобу, что тот должен заплатить автосалону 120 тысяч евро и возместить стоимость машины. Джейкоб пытается вспомнить, когда эта авария произошла на самом деле, но найти ответ не может. Оригинальный трейлер фильма Timothy Robbin: The Oscar Dream. (Сюжет фильма): Timothy, a young musician, moves to New York City. He creates an acclaimed band and manages to break a record. However, he does not try hard enough and isn't as hard on himself as he should be. Even going to the studio to record a new album, he finds himself losing his sense of self. He becomes a famous artist with great success, and has his second wife, Elisabeth, who has a shrewd business plan and is interested in making him a good husband. But it is not to be, when a friend of Elisabel’s takes her to the recording studio and tells him she is interested to work with him as a sound engineer. Together, they chase a dream. Ben Jaggers from Two News International gave the movie 3.5 stars out of 5. "I think Tim Robins has to do better on this romantic situation, which is the focus of the movie. He needs to pick up the licks better. His character has unrealistic expectations. His music is not good enough, which leads to an unreal afterlife." "The movie seems very silly and hopeless to make, but at the same time, it’s funny enough, isn’t it?" "Critically, I thought this film was very weak. But I enjoyed it because the character has some fantastic moments. And most importantly, it's interesting for its time. It's a good film for halftime." "Franco meets a girl and he promises her that he will be staying with her until he gets the woman he needs.
Год: 2006Бюджет: неизвестен
Оригинальное название: неизвестноРежиссер: Грег Карсон

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