Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

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The Village Notary

Страна: Канада
Премьера фильма: не указано
Продолжительность фильма: 00:07:00

* Действие фильма начинается с того, что двое подростков оказались в лифте. Это фильм о взрослении, отношениях и о том, как мы принимаем решения, которые влияют на наши жизни. Смотреть трейлер: The Villages Notary Перевод: VovkaSolo Режиссёр: Valentin Sivko Оригинальный текст: The Village notary (2010) is a Canadian short-film in the genre of short film. The story is set in a young town in the Canadian province of Quebec in 2010. This is a documentary made for the Canadian Radio-Canada and broadcast on June 22, 2010. The documentary is about the lives and behaviour of two young teenagers that ended up in a bizarre situation during the early evening of Saturday, June 22. The story begins with a young boy and girl sitting in the elevator, walking up to their destination after school. Their friend and the director of television program is watching the game from their watch and has his action camera on the floor of the elevators. The cameraman has dinner. They go down to a restaurant and take their chowders after returning to the elevated trains. There is one other filmmaker with his camera nearby and is taking his actions to them while the girls take their patio at the restaurant. The second filmmaking team is filming at the elevation of the train, and is waiting for the team at the base platform to go in the station. These crews are waiting for rainstorm which has hit the area. As the rain begins to fall, people are scared and are trying to get out of the way of this heavy downpour. Heather's friends but don't want to go back in the room alone, and decide to go out to the park. The girls go with them. The filmmakers are on the train and film them. Heather and the two girls get out the main entrance of the park and walk to the ground of the highway. She touches the concrete rocks, and then she runs off to the right and goes to the edge of the street to the far side of the road.
Год: 1953Бюджет: неизвестен
Оригинальное название: неизвестноРежиссер: Pierre Arbour

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