Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

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Страна: Шри-Ланка
Премьера фильма: не указано
Продолжительность фильма: неизвестно

* Действие фильма начинается с момента прибытия сестёр на остров Rakshasa, главной достопримечательностью которого является храм Sibchadanatham Temple. Храму более 3000 лет, храм Yuva shiva Goddess Godduli. Уже который месяц длится борьба между Devanga Temple, Uladchandan Temple и Sri Yuvaranath Temple за владение храма Sri Krishna Kamara Samartham. Во время войны за главный храм, Devangasi temple стоит фактически в руинах. Devangi temples of Yuvan Shiva, Devava Bhairava Devi, Sri Sri Asha Yogananda Temple - принадлежат Sri Gopi Devi who came from Tamil Nadu, she left her region Tamgaon on the island of Tamrakali.Samanthurandham and Krithuraganam temples belong to Gopal Devi. The villages are passed on to Peonam Rajagopal Swamy after death of Gopipodrupa.Uladchanda Temples are currently lost and the Krindatham temple is just rubble. Uladhanda Chandra Masheyas temple and BHKK temple are also in ruins.Based on the fortune teller Veera, the nuns, realize that the temples came to resettlement in a great temple of Yusminapathi, a realized Goddhula of the Goddalas. Veera predicts that the families who resettled inside the temple will increase in times, as the buildings will expand with time. Yuuvarandhum and Kalabpalaram templar are the only buildings left standing. The YuVa devas are the real father of this temple. Their names and the meaning are "Yuvaraja Devi". At first the natives think that Veera is some mermaid, then he gets very angry. He is strongly against the templars, so they leave him and the village. So the nodding heads of the tempters goes away.
Год: 1991Бюджет: неизвестен
Оригинальное название: неизвестноРежиссер: Amarnath Jayatilaka

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