Died to Save
Премьера фильма: 2004 (Нигерия)
Продолжительность фильма: неизвестно
* Действие фильма начинается в прошлом, в 1970-х годах, в маленьком городке на границе с Нигерией. Huy Abdullah’s grandson, Byron, is a mute. He is shy, invalid and perhaps even incapable of speaking. His death father is dying in hospital. Byron gets a job cleaning out his grandfather’s house, which is filled with odd old vests, boxes of things and old books. He finds a letter that Dawar was written and sent to Byron before he was born. Daway has ended his life at sea after a recent shipwreck. Dewi’s mother died in a hospital the year before she was born and her marriage is now in a state of divorce. Dawar’s death has left Huy unemployed. He has become a desperate, lonely man, and his heart is broken. He decides to live in a desert and die to save himself from living with the sadness of his mother. Funny and sad, the film is a perfectly timed reminder that life is much too short to waste it on anything. Given this realistic motivation, this film’s premise is fantastic.