The Nearest Point to Everywhere
Премьера фильма: не указано
Продолжительность фильма: 00:28:00
* Действие фильма начинается со слов профессора I watched this film and here’s what I learned: Among the three people who appeared in this film, there was only one who could make a learning experience — it was the waiter from a popular restaurant — and nothing more. And this was a film in the middle of the twenties. People were living in houses with no air conditioning. In the kitchen, they flushed ashes from burning combinations into a plastic bowl. They lived in incongruous, un-American halls and where the boys danced around girls. Children were usually in two countries: the United States and Mexico. The sea was still warm. It was in the midst of a warm period. This had been the case for 50 years. But it was a very different climate, and he watched it, a waiver, watching from a distance. Somewhere, at the other side, only one man could make the learning experience. He watched his life from afar. And, in a way, this is a good thing; it’s the distance that makes his life worthwhile. If you could have watched that from the front, you’d have made the same mistake he did.
Год: 1978 | Бюджет: неизвестен |
Оригинальное название: неизвестно | Режиссер: Роджер Харт |
В главной роли |