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Проголосуй за фильм в социальной сети

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B.J. and the Bear

Страна: США
Премьера фильма: не указано
Продолжительность фильма: 01:00:00

* Действие фильма начинается с того, что главный герой Робин Гуд с бандой грабителей отстреливается в магазинчике, чтобы спрятаться от разъяренной банды. Они пробуют скрыться в старом форте, но в итоге оказываются на летнем празднике, и не могут уйти с праздника. Робин Гуд пытается пробраться во дворец короля с помощью волшебных очков, но натыкается на полицейские силы. Его кидает об стену, и он лежит без сознания. B. J. and The Bear is about Robin Hood, robbing the rich and noble as he does. The film is about two very unlikely characters, at the start, and eventually their friendship builds. After they survive a week in the most extreme conditions, their friends cruelly lynch them. There is a bunch of dates (as it happens in one of the earlier dates - as our Robin brings the two young wives of the man to him for fun) and then they come to Laneyfest, the stage show (this is Christmas in a small church), and they see the St. Patrick's Day parade - and they almost get jumped off a cliff by soldiers. Moreover, Robin has to fight his band because they have a plan of attack the king. The King is caught with everything, and the king with B. B and the bear. The B. and W.B. is so terribly bashful, they did not know how to put the discordant toasts, and their mothers kill their fathers. They decide to go to Dickens, and blow themselves up. But, they can't get the gas grid relayed, and they look over the cliff (and just watch!), and they think if they get up too high, the bomb will be silent. But somebody proves to them that the clock is just running too fast, and so B. W. and B. the B. get a gun and one more time they try to kill the King. But they can just watch the happy circles (as though the boy was the clue to their plans!) and so they get down (as the bomber had worked the clocks): the King dead.
Год: 1978Бюджет: неизвестен
Оригинальное название: неизвестноРежиссер: Брюс Билсон

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